Friday, May 30, 2008
Gabriel - 8 months
Gabriel loves spending time with Grandma Mirna and Grandpa Dario. He also loves to see his cousin Audrey and Aunt Claudia and Uncle Mike. His favorite toy is his chicco ride-on car. I think we have a speed racer here! Gabriel makes off like a bandit on his car and points his fingers in the air and yells! He loves it. Gabriel also had an extra special visit from his Grandpa Jim, all the way from Texas. Yay!

Gabriel - 7 months
Happy Valentines Day! Gabriel had so much to celebrate in February, it is Valentines and cousin Audrey's first birthday! Gabriel enjoyed a big birthday party and lots of hugs from his Tia, Odily. He also loves going for walks with Dad, so much so he falls asleep. Gabriel also had a fun visit this month with his friend, Katya.

Gabriel - 6 months
This month Gabriel had visit's from friends Andres, Raquel and Renee! Renee was generous and let Gabriel borrow her jumper. Boy, Gabriel is a regular jumping bean! He also had a visit from Suzannah and from his Genentech friends, Michelle, Martha and Prudy. Gabriel gets so many cuddles from all his friends! What a cuddly baby :-)

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