A blog to show the life of our little guy, Gabriel Omar Lopez. He wants to share all his favorite moments with you! Please feel free to leave comments, we would love to hear from you. Thanks and enjoy!
Boy, this guy is a charmer! Gabriel is smiling all the time now, it is the most adorable thing ever. Especially when he first wakes up from a nap and sees your face, he lights up into a big grin. We are officially in love with him! He is learning about his hands and has decided they are absolutely delicious. So much so he tries to eat his entire hand at once, it's hilarious. We love him!!
This week Gabriel started to learn how to smile and is recognizing objects and faces. He recognizes mum, dad, Grandma and Grandpa with a twinkle in his eye. He is gorgeous! Of course, we are still dancing with him as you can see in this video with Dario. We have fun trying new outfits on our little guy, he is so handsome!