A blog to show the life of our little guy, Gabriel Omar Lopez. He wants to share all his favorite moments with you! Please feel free to leave comments, we would love to hear from you. Thanks and enjoy!
Gabriel is changing so fast! Now he likes to sit in his papasan seat and hangs out while we make dinner and do things around the house. He also loves to coo and is cuter than ever. We are making lots of day trips with him now. He seems very social and loves to spend time with friends. This week we visited our friend Isabelle and spent time with our family and visiting auntie Ramona. Grandma Mirna and Grandpa Dario came to see Gabriel many times to give him baths and cuddles. He loves it!
Gabriel had his first outing to Golden Gate Park with his new friend Maya, who is only a week older than him, along with fellow new parents Todd and Kearsley. Gabriel went to his first baby shower for Nicole where all the girls admired him. What a flirt! He is doing so well and growing so fast.
So much happened this week! Gabriel began to make adorable cooing sounds and has grown to over 9 pounds! He was visited by his Grandpa Jim, his Auntie Ramona, his cousin Andy and his friends Patty, Nicole and Cooper.
Wow! Almost a month old. Time has flown by and Gabriel is getting bigger by the day. Mom and Dad are getting used to being parents and loving their little boy. He likes to have play time in the morning where mum sings to him and dad dances with him. Our favorite CD is Big Night with lots of Italian tunes. We sing and dance daily!
This week mom took Gabriel out for his first stroll of San Bruno with auntie Blanca. Gabriel slept most of the way. We also had our family over for a fun Sunday together. There was Grandma and Grandpa, Auntie Claudia and Uncle Mike and cousin Audrey. Audrey is 6 months old and looks so big compared to little Gabriel! He has alot of growing to do :-) Gabriel's favorite place to nap and relax is the swinging chair. He loves it!
In week two, Gabriel started to recognize some of his surroundings. He has his own bassinet where he is a great sleeper! He sleeps from about 10pm to around 8am every day. Mom and Dad feed him every 2-3 hours and are getting used to their new sleep schedule. Gabriel is sooo cute!
Our first week with Gabriel was all about learning how to do the basics, how to change a diaper, how to change clothes, breastfeed, burp and cuddle. Gabriel was so small and delicate, it was amazing. He had his little bassinet where he slept and our bedroom became his nursery. We were looking forward to getting to know our son.
On July 17, 2007 at 5.30pm in the afternoon, we welcomed the arrival of our son, Gabriel Omar Lopez. He weighed 6 pounds, 10 ounces and was cute as a button. Mom and Dad and Grandparents were so excited to meet him! Welcome to the world little Gabriel!